Please Keep Pets Safe From the Cold!

This adorable tabby guy is Andy, a little stray who was lucky enough to be rescued from the severe cold last night by a kind animal lover.

Andy is now safe and sound with our friends at the Victoria Veterinary Clinic, waiting to be neutered so that he can go into foster care and be listed for adoption.

Andy is one of the lucky ones. There are many animals that are being left out in the extreme cold, and the Regina Humane Society (RHS) is reminding people to watch for animals in distress. The RHS  issued a news release today:

The Regina Humane Society (RHS) reminds the public that during this period of extreme cold weather it is imperative that they be on the lookout for animals in distress.

As we all know, weather conditions in Saskatchewan can change quickly. Even the most winter hardy dog breeds require extra care during the severe temperatures which we are now encountering. Animal owners must consider weather as a major factor in the care and keeping of their animals. Constant monitoring of any pets allowed outdoors is essential to their health and safety.

"There is no exact amount of time an animal can safely be out in temperatures like these,” said Officer D. Bishop, Supervisor of Animal Protection. “Every type of animal, every breed is different in how it handles weather this cold. What is important is that all animals have proper, heated shelter. Quick, monitored breaks outside are what we strongly recommend.”

The Regina Humane Society is on call 24 hours a day ready to respond to emergency situations. If you know of an animal in distress for any reason, please call 777-7700 immediately. Your call could save a life.
