Helpful Links
Identification for Your Cat
License Your Cat (City of Regina) / Licensing Your Pets (RHS)
Register your cat’s Microchip sales@microchiosolutions.com
Register your cat’s tattoo lostandfound@reginahumane.ca
Cat Nutrition and Supplies
There are many great options for your furry feline in Regina, and we want to give a special mention to:
Partner Veterinary Clinics
Saskatchewan’s Independent
Cat Rescues
Shout out to all volunteer-based organizations helping cats in need:
Angels of Hope (Esterhazy)
KC Rescue (Unity)
Kannata Valley Cats (Kannata Valley)
KAWS Animal Rescue (Kindersley)
Lumsden Valley Cats (Lumsden)
Northern Animal Rescue (La Ronge)
Paws and Claws (Yorkton)
Regina Alley Cats (Regina)
Running Wild Rescue (Moose Jaw)
SCAT Streetcat Rescue (Saskatoon)
SCRAPS Moose Jaw (Moose Jaw)
SOS Prairie Rescue (Saskatchewan-wide)
Street Cats of Regina (Regina)
South Shore Cat Rescue (Regina Beach)
Financial Assistance and Aid
Regina Humane Society Pet Pantry (see location for access)
Al Ritchie Community Association and Carmichael Outreach sometimes have pet food available