
My little “Claire Bear”, she was tiny but fierce, she came to me from a rough life in a rough neighbourhood.  Picked up as a stray who had to fend for herself and the countless litters she had on the mean streets of North Central.  She certainly did know how to take care of herself and quickly let my resident cats know that while she was tiny, she was mighty and they wouldn’t be pushing her around.

It took a long time for her to believe that she was not going to be tossed out on the street again and that she could relax and learn to trust people.  And it was so worth the wait when she finally gave in and started to trust, she had the cutest little chirp when she wanted your attention and some ear scratches and I will sorely miss her slight weight on my chest as I drift off to sleep at night. 

She was fiercely independent and wore a perpetual scowl but those of us who knew her knew it was all for show, she was one of the sweetest cats you would ever meet.

Run wild and pain free my sweet little “Claire Bear”, I hope you are enjoying endless sunshine and are getting reacquainted with your clowder.



