I'll be home for Christmas - Desi

When Desi was only weeks old he, his brother and mother found themselves in a flood zone.  Not only did his mom manage to keep herself safe, but she managed to keep her two kittens safe until they were found and rescued.

After his harrowing experience you would think that Desi would be afraid of life,however, this is the furthest thing from the truth.  This little “class clown” enjoys making every day count and this means racing through his foster home, playing with the resident cats, and turning anything he can get his paws on into toys.  When the playing is done though, Desi is all about the snuggles.  For Christmas Desi is hoping to have a forever family to snuggle up with on Christmas morning.

Regina Cat Rescue's 25 Cats of Christmas is a series of blog posts featuring foster cats hoping for a forever home this holiday season.


I'll be home for Christmas - Samantha


I'll be home for Christmas - Sticky Paws