Happy endings bring some smiles

In rescue work we get too used to seeing some of the worst there is - abandoned cats suffering on the streets, neglectful owners mistreating their pets, abused animals who deserve so much better. Sometimes we need to take a few minutes to remember the good.

Bones (now Mickey) was skin and bones when he turned up at Regina Cat Rescue (RCR) feral feeding station. When he was adopted in 2011, everyone at RCR was thrilled, but we were even more excited when we recently received an update from Bones' adoptive family. We are so pleased so see how well our little guy is doing. He is getting all of the love and care he could ever want! In particular, Mickey bonded with the autistic child in his family and the two simply adore each other.

Archie came into RCR care from a hoarding situation several years ago. He experienced two failed adoptions and spent two years in RCR care before his happily ever after was realized. Today, Archie finally has the wonderful home he deserves. He's got two wonderful humans to shower him with love and two feline friends to play and snuggle with. It definitely gives us the warm fuzzies to see Archie this content after he waited so long for a family of his own.

We love to hear how former RCR cats are doing because it reminds us why we volunteer and motivates us to keep working hard for Regina's abandoned cats and kittens. Please share your own adoption update in the comments!



Another Day, Another Rescue


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