RCR Says Goodbye to Longtime Feral Cat, Yoda

RCR volunteers were saddened recently by the death of one of our long-time feral cat colony residents, Yoda (also known as Ennis).  

Yoda was a busy and intrepid fellow who put on many miles travelling between several colonies and always seemed to be one step ahead of our volunteer trappers who were determined to humanely trap him so that he could be neutered and returned to his colony. 

Yoda was finally trapped and neutered in 2014 after eluding capture for over 5 years.  His time on the street had taken it's toll and he had lost both ears, had bad ear mites and terrible mats, all of which were treated while he was under aesthetic for his neuter. 

Once neutered, Yoda seemed to settle down and stuck close to one colony, which is where he ultimately passed away.  Volunteers can take comfort in knowing that Yoda passed away in a place where he was safe, warm, fed and loved.

Rest in peace, Yoda! 

-Alanna, Regina Cat Rescue





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