The Story of Adorable Declan
We love sharing stories with happy endings!

Declan is happy to be safe and sound
Declan was first spotted weeks ago, when a Lakeview citizen started noticing cat food disappearing. Declan was wandering all around and he was even spotted on a fence a few doors down where he was mistaken for a squirrel’s nest, due to his matted coat! With the help of binoculars, the kind citizen realized it was actually a fluffy kitty!
Fuzzy Declan, who was not sterilized or ID’d, was posted all over Facebook in an attempt to get him the help he deserved. Then, the kind citizen reached out to us and Declan was quickly scooped up and whisked off to the safety of the indoors by one of our volunteers.
He has been checked out by a vet and is overall healthy, but he has a heart murmur that we will be monitoring. Declan is feeling much lighter now that he has said goodbye to his matted coat!
RCR is grateful for supporters and volunteers who make this possible.
Please visit us at for information on how to foster, adopt or donate!