Good night, Sweet Sydney.

Sydney prior to ilness

RCR lost one of our sweetest rescues this week when poor Sydney succumbed to a strange illness that may have been related to toxicity or possibly FIP.

We had high hopes for this pretty girl when she first came into care after being rescued from the street life as a young kitten. She was shy, but thrived in foster care and enjoyed the company of other cats.

Eventually, she found a home of her own but was sadly returned due to her timidity and lack of interaction with the family and other pets.

Sydney with her “twin” foster sibling.

Upon return, Sydney demonstrated several concerning symptoms including a wobbly gait, and severe lethargy due to immume mediated anemia. We had her hospitalized to recieve a blood transfusion and hoped for the best.

Sydney receiving a blood transfusion thanks to RCR adoptee Arthur

on her way home with high hopes for recovery

handsome rcr alum arthur provided his blood to help sydney.

At first, things were looking up and her Packed Cell Volume ( PCV) was approaching normal levels after the transfusion. Unfortunately, it was short lived and she was back at the clinic in decine just a few days later.

We sadly had to make the decision to let her go. She leaves many friends behind.

RIP, Sweet Sydney. You will be missed.

As always, these rescue stories and heroic efforts are only possible due to your support. Please visit Regina Cat Rescuefor information on donating, volunteering and adopting.


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