An Urgent Plea for Help

In every community are stories of both hardship and hope. Today, we want to share a tale that captures both. Two kind souls in a Regina neighbourhood found themselves in a situation that would tug at the heart strings of anyone.


See how quickly a cat population can get out of control:

It all began with an abandoned, pregnant cat who was left to fend for herself in 2021. This act of neglect set off a chain reaction, resulting in a colony of cats struggling to survive on the streets. The two individuals, armed with limited resources, and up against multiple barriers such as the high cost of vet care and rising cost of living, took it upon themselves to care for these forgotten cats. 

As the days passed, the population, and the challenges grew. What started as a simple act of kindness spiraled into a desperate situation. It can happen very fast – one female cat is able produce 12 kittens in just over one year. Within months her kittens start reproducing, and the numbers explode. Within two years, one pregnant female and her offspring can produce over 53 cats. This situation is a classic example of how overpopulation occurs. 

Regina Cat Rescue (RCR), driven by a commitment to animal welfare, stepped in to lend a helping hand. Volunteers have worked tirelessly to trap, spay/neuter, and provide medical care to these vulnerable cats. Every feline, from the majestic Frankie Blue Eyes - a stunning white cat with such severe matting that people thought he had an extra leg due to a pelt hanging off his side – to the young nursing mothers, and especially the kittens – like tiny Terrance found alone and fending for himself – received the veterinary care they so desperately needed.

But the journey is far from over. The severity of this situation is a challenge greater than RCR has ever encountered, with approximately 30 cats needing to be trapped and sterilized, plus multiple litters of kittens requiring foster placement while young enough to be socialized. 

RCR is asking for financial donations, supplies of food and litter, and especially fosters. Can’t foster but thinking of adopting? Now is a perfect time so that we can free up foster room for these rescues. Each and every one of these cats deserve the chance for a life where they receive the veterinary care they need, the possibility to find a home, to be safe and feel loved.

Let’s rally together and extend a helping hand to those who cannot speak for themselves. We invite you to join us in spreading love and compassion for our feline friends. Every act of kindness makes a difference.

Here’s how you can help! Sponsor a spay/neuter, donate funds or visit our Amazon wishlist for most needed supplies. Become a foster by filling out a volunteer application, or check out our cat-a-logue for currently adoptable kitties.


Event Volunteers Wanted


Feline Fiesta!