Rescued from being hunted by coyotes, now a happy house cat

The contented striped tabby cat pictured above was one of the three "Paintball kittens" that we rescued from an outdoor paintball facility just outside of Regina two months ago. Buster (above), Beatrix, and Bella were starving, dehydrated, chilled to the bone, and prey for coyotes. Pat and Bob succeeded in catching them, and we fostered all three.
Buster was adopted by the family of Alana, our wonderful web designer. Alana emailed this photo to me today with the following note:
"Thought you would like to see how Buster (well now known as Wally) is doing. He's doing great and he loves his new "room mate" Tika. I've attached a picture for you to see. He loves sitting by the nice warm fireplace and looking out the patio doors at all the birds that are around Sorenson beach where my parents live."
Bella has also been adopted by a caring young man, but Beatrix is still waiting. To see her adoption ad, please click HERE.

Two brothers saved, two months apart


Spaz the three legged cat in recovery