Suki the poopy North Central kitten

This morning, I received an email from Pam G, a friend of PFA and a passionate cat rescuer in North Central Regina. Some children had found a small kitten on the street and had brought it to her. She was very concerned because the kitten was filthy with feces, and was continuing to have a bad case of diarrhea. Pam took the kitten to our vet to be examined and hopefully stabilized.
Dr S called me that afternoon with good news. Suki was treated with some medication and quickly responded. They were able to clean her up, and felt that she could be sent home by the end of the day. Suki was determined to be a sweet 6 week old female kitten. As simple as her ailment was, she would have likely become dehydrated and died alone on the street without intervention.
We have a foster home placement for Suki with Ivy starting on Thurs, so until then she is hanging in my fostering room with another older cat who is welcoming the company. I have set up a heating pad in Suki's favorite basket bed, and she is loving it. She has eaten lots, and drank some fresh water as well.
Isn't she sweet? She'll be available for adoption soon, once we are certain that she is fully recovered.

Never enough about Rusty!


Rusty continues to improve!