Sammy and Jellybean

Sammy was living in my backyard shelter all winter, and is now in my fostering room with her baby Jellybean. Sammy is coming along beautifully - I wasn't sure she would tame up, but she is getting friendlier by the day. Sammy lets me handle Jellybean, and every time I come into the room she comes out from her nest in the corner and stands at my feet, meowing for more canned food. I can briefly touch her while she eats now. Sammy lets Piglet and Room eat from the same plate as her, and while I can tell she is eager to get out of the fostering room, she is a good momma to Jellybean and stays with him almost all of the time.


Chika's two adopted kids, Stripey and Patches


Piglet and Roo