An Animal Dumping Ground...
PFA was recently contacted by a kind animal lover who lives on a farm just outside the city. Like many farm homes close to Regina, this woman's farm is used as a dumping ground for people's unwanted animals. This family has rescued many unwanted litters, and numerous injured and maimed cats. People have dropped off cats - right onto their property- that were missing eyes, toes, tails, teeth, and so skinny it was amazing they were alive. Astonishingly, the farm is within 10 minutes of the Regina Humane Society!
It is very heartbreaking, and also costly for the family to come across so many abandoned cats. They have spent hundreds of dollars trying to help these distressed animals and find them homes, and finally contacted us for some assistance.
Jazzy, pictured above, is one of their rescued cats that needs a new home. PFA is partnering with the woman to have Jazzy spayed, vaccinated and listed for adoption. Jazzy is super cute, friendly and is definitely a happy indoor house pet.
Jazzy, and many other unwanted cats, are fortunate to have a second chance thanks to this kind and generous woman. If you are interested in learning more about Jazzy, contact us at