Phineas Finds a home!
Recently we posted a blog on a cat named Phineas. I have been watching him for awhile now, upset with how neglectful his owner was with him and his brother. They never were sterilized, had no vaccines, left mostly outside crying to get in and often seen eating from our neighbourhood feeding station. Several phone calls were made to Regina Humane Society from many concerned neighbours over these cats running at large. RHS had been at the house several times to talk with them, however little could be done. If apprehended the cats would face time in a cage with possible euthenization.
At the end of November when the neighbours moved and I saw they had left these poor souls behind I was very upset. First chance I had I rescued Phineas. Unable to find his brother, he is still out in the cold. I have briefly seen him around, however have not been able to catch him.
The good news is Phineas was rescued, neutered, vaccinated and boarding at the Vic Vet Clinic (as we have no foster home spaces available) Luckily for Phineas one of the staff fell in love with him and has just asked to adopt him!
Congratulations Phineas, may your new life be good to you!