Rest in Peace, Ronnie

You may recall our blog about this handsome boy Ronnie. Unfortunately Ronnie quickly became sick and was tested for feline leukemia. He tested positive and the heart breaking decision was made to put him down.

Feline Leukemia (FeLV) has an incurable diagnosis, and aggressive treatment is only to manage the symptoms. Sadly, all cats with feline leukemia end up dying within a few months to a year following diagnosis. FeLV's symptoms include vomiting, severe diarrhea, fever, enlarged lymph nodes, infections of the skin, bladder and upper respiratory tract, seizures, poor coat condition, eye and mouth conditions and cancer. This virus is spread by blood or saliva contact (mainly from fighting) and only lives outside of its host for a few days.
The best way to protect your own cat is to vaccinate for this disease, keep cats indoors and house infection free cats away from infected cats. See your vet for more info.

Rest in Peace my handsome boy. May your body be pain free and may you enjoy chasing the birds and the mice in the big fields in the sky. We love you.



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