Kittens Now Off The Street!

Last week PFA pleaded for foster homes to help us rescue some feral kittens living on the street before winter. We are pleased to have this adorable group of kittens kittens safe in foster care and available for adoption.

Due to the warm fall, there were lots of kittens born late and we have several other litters of kittens in our sights – just in location in the core area! So, if you are interested in giving a temporary home to some young kittens currently out in the cold, please let us know at

Many of these kittens are the offspring of the kittens that we were not able to rescue last fall due to lack of foster space and the pattern is repeating itself this fall, and it will continue until we are able to get all the numerous strays at this location sterilized.

Unfortunately, there is at least one litter of young kittens that is already too old to socialize for adoption, so we will have to do our best to support them outdoors until they can be trapped and sterilized in the spring, before even more kittens are born. Colonies with un-sterilized cats can easily double in size over the course of a season without intervention.

That’s why PFA is always putting out calls for more kitten foster homes. There is always more kittens out there!


Out in the Cold!


Intrepid Little Ink