Rest in Peace, Missy and Maeve
Thursday, October 21st was a sad day for PFA volunteers as we lost 2 sweet young female cats in very different circumstances.
Missy was a young female tabby rescued off the street, pregnant and close to giving birth. Soon after her rescue she gave birth to 7 kittens who are currently thriving in foster care. Missy was going to be spayed and then listed for adoption so she could find a forever home of her own, but unfortunately did not survive the surgery. She most likely had a bad reaction to the anesthetic - some cat are very sensitive to it.
Maeve was a young calico found huddled up in severe pain in a shelter at one of the feeding stations in North Central. The volunteers that found her didn't know what was wrong but they knew she was suffering and rushed her to a nearby vet clinic. It turned out that she had an extremely severe infection in her mouth that had turned gangrenous. She was extremely dehydrated, unable to eat and in pain. She was quickly euthanized to end her suffering.
We are happy that Missy was rescued and enjoyed good care and love from a kind foster home before her untimely passing.
Poor Maeve was a recent resident of the feeding station. She had a tattoo so we thought she might have had an owner but appeared to be relying on the PFA feeders for food. Unfortunately her tattoo was not able to be read at the clinic, so her origins and her owner, remain a mystery. We are just happy that she was relieved of her suffering and not alone at the end.