Good night, sweet Miss Kitty

The PFA feral team is comprised of extremely dedicated volunteers who hit the streets daily to feed and look after the city's outdoor feral cats. They are out there feeding regardless of weather conditions, stat holidays, etc.

Feral cats are afraid of people for the most part, but many of them started out as tame cats and were abandoned or left to fend for themselves. Our feral cats know our feeders, and are waiting anxiously each day for their meals! And our feeders know, and have come to love, their charges.

Miss Kitty is a long-time member of a PFA colony in North Central, and was run over by a car and killed instantly 2 days ago.

No matter how dedicated they are, and how hard they work to better the lives of feral cats, they can't remove the inherent dangers of life on the street, such as vehicle traffic.

We mourn the loss of our sweet Miss Kitty. Our feeders miss seeing her at the station every day. She didn't have to touch her caregivers physically to touch their hearts spiritually.

Rest in Peace, Miss Kitty.



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