Foster home situation desperate!

One of the very unique aspects of PFA is the fact that we do not have a building in which our rescued cats are housed. Instead, each and every one of our rescues is fostered in the homes of volunteers who dedicate their time, homes and love to caring for these rescues until a forever home comes along. Sometimes this happens very quickly, and other times it can take quite a while for the perfect fit to arrive.

With the warm winter we had in Regina along with the early spring, there have been far more kittens and cats in need of rescue this summer than PFA has ever seen before. With people away for summer holiday's adoptions have slowed down, but the rescues in need have not. Because we rely on volunteer foster homes to take in our rescues, we have quickly become overwhelmed with several foster homes housing rescues in the double digits!

PFA is always looking for people to open their hearts and homes to foster our rescues. Very little is required, a little love and attention to a cat who is desperate for someone to show they care and the rewards are amazing. These rescues are so grateful for all their foster parents do for them, they lavish them with love and affection in return. Fostering requires no financial commitment as PFA covers all veterinary costs and will also provide food, litter boxes, and litter if needed. If you open your heart and home to these amazing kitties, you will never regret it.

Below are pictured just a few of PFA's recent rescues.

For more information on fostering please email PFA at


Archie and Veronica are looking for love!


Miss Kitty needs a home