Rescued Calico Kitten to Lose Eye
This gorgeous little girl is Paisley, a 4.5 month old kitten who was hanging around stray in a North Regina neighbourhood. A kind family noticed her plight and took her in when they realized that there was something seriously wrong with her eye and that she needed vet care.
It turns out that Paisley suffered a puncture wound to her eye somewhere along the way, and it was never treated and thus never healed. There is a hole in her eye through which the eye fluid is leaking, and there is nothing that can be done to fix her eye or restore the vision. The only option is to have the eye removed so that it no longer causes her pain.
Paisley is a sweet young kitten who is quite healthy otherwise and who has a very good prognosis for a long healthy life once her bad eye is removed. It is sad that such a young kitten has already suffered so much in her young life, but we are hoping to give her a happily ever after ending, with the surgery she needs and a loving (and responsible) adoptive family.
For more information on Paisley, please contact us at To make a donation towards Paisley's eye surgery, please visit our website at to make a secure donation through PayPal, or donations can be mailed to People for Animals, PO Box 33066, Cathedral Postal Outlet, Regina, S4T 7X2.