Geroy visits PFA

Ok, so it may not be Geroy Simons from the Rider’s who scored 2 touchdowns to help the Rider’s win the Grey Cup tonight, but this Geroy is just as important. Geroy was found Saturday night trying to keep warm by sitting on a man-hole covering. A PFA volunteer was heading home after being at one of the Grey Cup events and notice the poor guy sitting in the middle of the street. Naturally she couldn’t leave him there and scooped him up and took him to a foster home.

Geroy is now safe and warm inside and has a wonderfully sweet personality. All he wants to do is being petted and cuddled and gives head butts to his foster mom. Geroy will be neuter on Tuesday and will be placed up for adoption. For information on Geroy please contact PFA at

Princess desperately needs help!


3rd Time the Charm for Boots?