Ways You Can Help

Speak out when you become aware of an act of cruelty.

Don't hesitate to stand up for those who can't speak for themselves. Engage others in conversation about the environment and the relationship between animals and people, exploitation and suffering.

Learn from your pets.

Appreciate the animals that you come into contact with and mentor youth to understand our human responsibility to eliminate cruelty and address the pet overpopulation crisis.

Educate others.

Share your knowledge with others through letter writing, email and research as a means to encourage change in policy and practice, both locally and globally.

Act ethically and responsibly.

Investigate. Respectfully question individuals and organizations if you notice any irregularities. Follow up in ways that achieve responsible solutions for the animals and people involved.

Witness actively.

It's an unfortunate truth that acts cruelty occur daily in our neighborhoods, homes and streets. Research has proven that cruelty to animals can lead to violence within the family, at school, and at work. Notify the appropriate authorities when you witness animal cruelty. (Regina Police Service, 777-6500; Regina Humane Society Emergency, 543-6363)

Donate your time, financial, or other resources

to People for Animals and other animal welfare organizations. Volunteers will thank you, and most importantly, the animals will benefit from your generosity.

How To Get Involved


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