Nighttime Overactivity

Cats, both wild and domestic, are crepuscular, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk. This tendency can persist at home, especially if cats are left alone during the day while their owners are at work.

To ensure a peaceful night's sleep, try to minimize potential sleep disruptors before you climb into bed. Safely stow away food, trash cans, fragile items, cords, or anything your cat might knock down. Also, remove tempting objects such as books and clothing that could become scratching targets.

While nighttime activity is perfectly normal, it can be a sign of a health problem or other kind of disorder. Always, talk to your vet if you suspect there is an issue.

Meowing and Yowling

Cats meow for various reasons, such as greetings,seeking attention, food, or signaling distress.

While adult cats typically don't meow at each other, they continue to do so with people throughout their lives, likely because it's an effective way to get attention or desired outcomes. Additionally, cats may yowl, especially during breeding season, to communicate with other cats.

Determining when meowing becomes excessive can be subjective and depends on individual preferences. Certain breeds, like Siamese cats, are predisposed to more vocalization. It's important to differentiate between normal meowing and excessive meowing, which could indicate underlying health issues like hyperthyroidism or kidney disease.

Often when a cat meows or yowls at night, it is a desire for attention. Maybe your cat is longing for affection. Maybe they're feeling a little snacky. It could be they're simply bored and seeking a playmate. Or perhaps they're curious to see if you'll respond to their demanding meows.


  • Be sure your cat is spayed or neutered! Both males and females will yowl to attract a mate.

  • Adjust the daily routine: Encourage your cat to be active during the day by engaging in play sessions and providing opportunities for exercise. Stimulate your cat's senses with toys that respond to motion.

  • Provide stimulation: Install a window perch to offer your cat entertainment and mental stimulation throughout the day, reducing boredom-induced nighttime hyperactivity.

  • Consider companionship: If you have a single cat, consider adopting a companion. Another feline friend can provide company and stimulation, both during the day and at night, helping to curb overactivity and enriching both cats' lives.


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Cat Enrichment