Benefits of Keeping Your Cat Indoors

Imagine your beloved cat not coming home, or coming home with life-threatening injuries or diseases. This is the sad reality for too many pet owners.

The City of Regina’s by-law prohibits cats from roaming at large. Cats must be kept indoors or otherwise contained with a harness/lead or cat enclosure. If your cat is caught at large, fines may apply.

Your cat also faces many risks outside, including

  • Hit by cars

  • Killed by chemicals or poison

  • Picked up by animal control

  • Harmed by diseases, infections or parasites contracted from other animals or prey

  • Become lost or trapped

  • Human cruelty

  • Get frostbite

  • Be eaten by coyotes, hawks, or foxes

  • Hurt or killed in fights with other cats or wild animals 

Another reason to keep your cat inside is songbird preservation. Cats are natural hunters and if you live in an area where songbirds are plentiful, your cat won't be able to resist the urge to hunt.  There are many toys available to satisfy your cat's urge to hunt.

It's also considerate of your neighbours, who may not like cats as much as you do. No-one appreciates their garden or carefully tended flower beds being used as a litter box.

Even the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association has taken an official position against free-roaming.

Finally, it's not worth the risk that your beloved pet could embark on an adventure and get lost, unable to find his way home, even with a microchip or tattoo. Pets can also be stolen, and sometimes it is for nefarious reasons, such as bait for dog fights (yes, even in our city!).



Surrendering or Rehoming


What to Do If You Have Lost Your Cat