What to Do if You’ve Lost Your Cat

  1. Search:

    • Search your neighborhood meticulously, including bushes, shrubs, under decks, and other hiding spots where lost pets often seek refuge. Cats are often found close to home.

    • Enlist the help of neighbours to cover more ground efficiently. Listen carefully near garages, sheds, and similar structures where frightened animals might hide.

  2. Call Their Name:

    • Call your pet's name loudly and clearly in your yard. Don’t say anything else, just their name. Dusk and dawn are perfect times to call, when the world gets quieter and your sound travels better. Repeat several times a day every 5 min for a half hour. 

  3. Scent and Food:

    • Leave an item with your cat’s scent, like a favourite blanket or bed, outside of the house along with your pet’s favorite food. Animals have a keen sense of smell and can detect familiar scents from a distance.

  4. File a Report:

    • Contact the Regina Humane Society 's lost and found hotline (543-6363, ext 237) to file a detailed report about your missing pet, including its description and the area where it was last seen. Regularly visit the shelter in person, as they handle many animals.

  5. Online Posting:

  6. Neighborhood Canvassing:

    • Create and distribute posters with a photo and description of your pet within a wide radius of your neighborhood.

    • Display posters in local stores to increase visibility within the community.

    • Speak with your mail carrier, newspaper delivery person, and other regular visitors to your neighborhood, asking them to be on the lookout for your pet.

  7. Persistence Pays Off:

    • Remain persistent and hopeful, as some pets have been reunited with their owners months or even a year after going missing.


Benefits of Keeping Your Cat Indoors


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