Sweet Satin Landed Well

Satin is an adorable little mama cat what was rescued in the fall of 2010, struggling to care for her adorable kittens while living under a deck.

The little family was rescued and placed into foster care, and her kittens were quickly scooped up by adopters. It took a while, but Satin found a loving home as well.

Her family wrote this about her:

Satin retained her great mothering skills.  She can often be found cuddling and cleaning the other two cats and pays close attention to them and where they may be.  She is such a loving, playful cat, who adapted so well to being transferred to her new home with us.  My husband is clearly her favourite, but shares love and cuddles with my daughter and I as well.  She is definitely a sweetheart and we are so happy to have her in our family.

Here is a pic of Satin (on the left) and one of her buddies!

Cheers to Satin and to all loving adoptive famlilies out there.


Tragic Family Illness Leaves Cats Homeless


Fundraising contest!