Farm Homes

  • Regina Cat Rescue (RCR) performs an on-site assessment and advises on requirements when necessary.

  • RCR confirms that requirements are met prior to transport (by phone/email), and verifies in person at the time of transport.

  • RCR ensures that a shelter is available/constructed and is adequate for our harsh winters, including: 

    • adequate warmth for winter; straw bales and bedding, heat lamp if additional heat needed

    • protection from elements; shelter from wind, snow, rain, cold, heat.

  • RCR ensures that there is agreement that the cat(s) will be confined for a period of no less than 2 weeks, as it adjusts to new surroundings.

  • RCR ensures that the cat(s) will be reasonably safe from predators or dogs, including:

    • that safe places to hide (straw bales, outbuildings, barn, shelter) exist on the property.

  • RCR ensures that the cat(s) receive fresh water (heated water bowls are recommended).

  • RCR ensures that cats receive a high protein dry cat food as part of their diet (wet food supplements are recommended).

  • RCR performs a follow-up inquiry on status post transport to farm and post surgery (sterilization).




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