Financial Process

Any and all monetary or items exchanged for monetary value must be entered into the books of RCR in keeping with sound bookkeeping practices.

  • RCR Treasurer will hold the only debit card for the General bank account. Online access for any other members will be at the discretion of the Treasurer but one other Board member will have this access. Any other bank accounts for RCR use will be disclosed to the Treasurer and will include Treasurer in signing authority. Such accounts will have a minimum of 2 signers (one of which is Treasurer).

  • Signing authority for the General bank account will be two of four signatures, consisting of Operations Manager, RCR Treasurer, RCR Board President and one other RCR Board Member.

  • Post office box keys will be held by RCR Treasurer with another RCR Board Member holding the other one for backup.

  • Access to PayPal will be limited to RCR Treasurer and designate.

  • Only RCR Treasurer will have authority to issue receipts except as outlined in Charitable Receipt Policy.

  • Any cash given in advance for expenditures will be maintained on a Petty Cash Form. Amounts are to be pre-determined and approved by the Board.

  • RCR Treasurer will be responsible to submit the Corporate Registry, application for GST, and T3010 within the appropriate deadlines.

  • RCR Treasurer will submit books to the Auditor (as assigned at Annual Meeting).


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